Sunday, October 31, 2010

Saturday, October 30, 2010

hot stone bowl dessert

this was so delicious! 
met my sister after work one night and shopped for a bit and went to guu gastown for food and drinks. 
this is custard boiling in a hot stone bowl with french baguette and coconut ice cream.  It's nice to have chatting sessions with my sister.

Friday, October 29, 2010

goldfish soup

J made soup out of our leftover vegetables and it was so delicious. I love vegetable soup. and since we had no crackers, we had it w/ amber's goldfish :) which turns out to be reallly goooood.

At J's cousin's wedding.

then I said let's take a normal picture this time.

okay, let's really a normal picture now..

They had a cute "guestbook" which was a magnetic board.  J suggested we write a word each and this is what we ended up with.  which is at least grammatically correct I think.. :)

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Friday, October 22, 2010

90's Night!

Fun night out at Library Square for Alvina's bday last week!
Happy birthday!

 one of the many highlights must have been gni's unforgettable performance :D

so close to getting the group fully!  

there are so many funny pictures from this night. good times.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Going to the Opera!

Went to watch an opera last week.  Thanks for taking me Alvina!

It was my first time going to an opera and it was pretty interesting. Not really sure what I was expecting but the story and songs (which were not extremely high-pitched sounding as I imagined operas to be) were interesting & pretty entertaining.

the stage with the live orchestra below! they were really good.
and we had dinner at Hidden before the show.
which was at the Westin Bayshore hotel and it used to be called Aria.  I remember going to Aria last Christmas with my family and Hidden is definitely better with more variety.

Trying out the Yukon red beer which was pretty good! 

 fingerling potato salad with roma tomatoes 
our favourite dish of the night :)

flank steak with wild mushroom
couldn't really taste the mushroom as much as I liked. maybe cuz there was too much sauce. 

and we had the mac n' cheese with seared scallops.  I thought the scallops would be in the mac n' cheese but the scallops were on a separate dish.  it was still good mac n' cheese though. 

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Friday, October 15, 2010

the eating portion of VIFF day

 eating at The Templeton
 retro diner style 

 blueberry pancakes - too doughy and I generally like some fruits on top of my pancakes

dinner at Octopus Garden later that night
This really is one of the best Japanese food!

Japanese-style Sangria.  it was really really sweet but quite good. 
I could only sip about half of this glass though.
never had such good miso soup before
dragon roll?
pretty good.
tempura mackerel
lamb perfectly medium-rare!
my favourite!! top layer of quail egg & sea urchin, and forgot what's on the bottom but it was something good.
seared hamachi. yumm.
Swiss chocolate cake with house-made soy ice cream.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010


really like the colour tinted glass on these vases/bottles.
all these sites should ship to Canada!

Monday, October 11, 2010

When We Leave

Went to watch 2 VIFF films last week.  One of them was a compilation of short films and the second one was this one called When We Leave.  It was a really sad one but I thought it was filmed really well.   Depressing but really interesting and thought provoking.

it's been a busy week!  it's been good but something's out of place.  (maybe it's cuz I'm thinking of everything being a mess in my room right now..)

Friday, October 8, 2010

Sunday brunch

my delicious "Bacon, Caramelized Onion and Brie Frittata filled with potato and fresh basil, served with fresh greens and sweet corn relish"

what a great place.  discovered a light beer that I like - Blue Buck from Phillips Brewery.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

a nice chill night

cute owl teapot Jenn showed me at Front & Company.
Dinner at Cafeteria. Really enjoyed this place! And their menu changes all the time so there will always be something new to try.
love this glass bottle.
a small but cozy space
lammmmmb.  tender and juicy and nice broth kind of sauce.
tried a french red.  forgot the name.  it was just okay.
Jenn's happy with her food.
i'm in love with this dish!  pappardelle with wild mushrooms!
headed down main to The Wallflower for a few drinks.

and dessert.  pretty good apple crumble!