Monday, October 18, 2010

Going to the Opera!

Went to watch an opera last week.  Thanks for taking me Alvina!

It was my first time going to an opera and it was pretty interesting. Not really sure what I was expecting but the story and songs (which were not extremely high-pitched sounding as I imagined operas to be) were interesting & pretty entertaining.

the stage with the live orchestra below! they were really good.
and we had dinner at Hidden before the show.
which was at the Westin Bayshore hotel and it used to be called Aria.  I remember going to Aria last Christmas with my family and Hidden is definitely better with more variety.

Trying out the Yukon red beer which was pretty good! 

 fingerling potato salad with roma tomatoes 
our favourite dish of the night :)

flank steak with wild mushroom
couldn't really taste the mushroom as much as I liked. maybe cuz there was too much sauce. 

and we had the mac n' cheese with seared scallops.  I thought the scallops would be in the mac n' cheese but the scallops were on a separate dish.  it was still good mac n' cheese though. 

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